A Journey Through Prehistoric Times
At the beginning of term 4, following the presentation of the story of the universe and the coming life, we presented the third great lesson on the coming of man which outlines the emergence of our human ancestors Australopithecus, Homo Habilis, the neanderthals and early homo sapiens.
This lesson led into a study of the timeline of humans and inspired an array of fun and creative work that resulted in serendipitous cross cultural learning opportunities that lasted until the end of term.
The students enjoyed independently researching the details of how early man lived, which was supported by a trip to the Bali Museum where they could observe, first hand, prehistoric artifacts which early man used to satisfy their daily physical and spiritual needs.
Back in class, students learned to create cave art and make prehistoric style jewelry and pottery using clay.
The students were very excited to use all this knowledge and art to create, produce, and direct their own play, ‘Back to the Future-Prehistoric Times’, which was performed at our recent parent tea. Following this performance, the students impressed everyone with their acapella version of The Big Bang Theory show’s theme song ‘The History of Everything’ which they memorized completely!
Following the performance, everyone was looking forward to an overnight survival themed camping experience where we would engage in activities that would help us understand what life might have been like about 300 thousand years ago.
During the week leading up to camp, students created their own mini versions of different types of shelters and learned how to build fires and forage for water.
Once at camp, students engaged in an outdoor survival themed escape room activity that put their knowledge to work. Students prepared their own food which was cooked over a fire and they built their own fishing rods using sticks found on a walk through the woods. We even caught some fish!
Through all these experiences, students could get a better understanding of what life must have been like during early times and an appreciation of the contributions that our ancestors provided that led to the life we live today.